'Barnabas Community Projects is about changing lives and enriching community. We run a wide range of holistic and relational projects which seek to empower people on a journey of personal transformation.’
Hobbits Vintage Creations is excited to announce that we are linking up HOBBITS@HOME with
The Barnabas Community Projects, Shrewsbury, in order to support their incredible project ‘Foodbank Plus’.
As owner and creator of Hobbits Vintage Creations & HOBBITS@HOME I was drawn to the amazing work of
Foodbank Plus through its project leader Karen Williams who with her committed team of volunteers has provided unwavering and relentless support for more vulnerable people through the ‘unprecedented’ times we have all been experiencing.
Food Bank PLUS is the umbrella for the delivery of a range of individual initiatives that go above and beyond; Shrewsbury Food Bank, Barnabas Money Advice and 360 Platform for Life, (which incorporates a range of services supporting clients on the journey back to work and health.) It doesn’t take much thought to appreciate the profound rise in demand for such services due to the impact of the Coronavirus and this is only looking to increase as 2021 unfolds.
So, how are we planning to support FOOD BANK PLUS?
HOBBITS@HOME was created during ‘lockdown’ so it seemed symbolic to align this new venture of HVC with Foodbank Plus as it represents something that we have all been dealing with over the last year or so.
The passion behind HOBBITS@HOME is not simply recycling vintage fabric into nice new things, but recycling with a purpose #switchswap - to support sustainable living with our collection of washable, reusable & compostable products. #Sustainableswaps are quite the buzz words at the moment but for me they still hold a degree of stigma & elitism and often recognised by many as unaffordable. I firmly believe that the way we all live in the present will change the future & the choices we make should not be reserved exclusively for the few but be available for everyone. The economic impact of the pandemic is already challenging these choices so it is vital to me that we do all we can to facilitate this to keep everyone moving forward in the best direction.
We are donating 10% of every purchase towards our project.
These donations will be part of every HOBBITS@HOME purchase and will allow us to fund & produce ‘SWAPBOX’ starter kits for the clients of Food bank Plus, as part of their support packs, with more essential items like, a washable mask, washable kitchen scrubby, washable soap-saver wraps & washable wipes. (and maybe a little treat in there too!)
HOBBITS@HOME is very new and so we know it will be small steps at first but I hope you will join us in supporting this link project with your purchases.
If you would like to read more about Food Bank Plus click on the link below;
We will be looking to grow this project over the coming months so your support is hugely appreciated and together we can really make a change.
Thank you
Alison x.